All scientific disciplines rely centrally on technical papers to
communicate novel problems, approaches, and results, but they also
benefit from commentaries that step back and offer new perspectives
on the field. Such commentaries are more fun to read, and can often
be more fun to write, because the author can use polemical devices
usually disallowed from technical pieces. Here I include my essays
and editorials on machine learning, cognitive systems, and related
topics. I also include two humorous papers that have poked fun at
the former.
Langley, P. (2019).
Varieties of explainable agency.
Proceedings of the ICAPS-2019 Workshop on Explainable AI Planning
(pp. 113-117). Berkeley, CA.
Langley, P. (2019).
Explainable, normative, and justified agency.
Proceedings of the Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (pp. 9775-9779). Honolulu, HI: AAAI Press.
Langley, P. (2000).
Crafting papers on machine learning.
Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Machine
Learning (pp. 1207-1211). Stanford, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
Langley, P. (1997).
Machine learning for intelligent systems.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (pp. 763-769). Providence, RI: AAAI Press.
Kibler, D., & Langley, P. (1988). Machine learning as an experimental
science. Proceedings of the Third European Working Session on
Learning (pp. 81-92). Glasgow: Pittman.
Langley, P. (1988). Induction and explanation: Complementary
models of learning. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Langley, P. (1987). The emerging science of machine learning.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Machine
Learning (pp. 5-6). Irvine, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
Langley, P. (1987). Machine learning and concept formation.
Machine Learning, 2, 99-102.
Langley, P. (1987). Machine learning and grammar induction.
Machine Learning, 2, 5-8.
Langley, P. (1986). Machine learning and discovery. Machine
Learning, 1, 363-366.
Langley, P. (1986). Human and machine learning. Machine
Learning, 1, 243-248.
Langley, P. (1986). The terminology of machine learning. Machine
Learning, 1, 14--144.
Langley, P. (1986). On machine learning. Machine Learning,
1, 5-10.
Langley, P., & Simon, H. A. (1981).
The central role of learning in cognition.
In J. R. Anderson (Ed.), Cognitive skills and their acquisition.
Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Langley, P., & Shafto, M. G. (1997).
Expanding our mental horizons.
Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive
Science Society (pp. xxi-xxii). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Langley, P. (1988). Structure and process in schema-based
architectures. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Academic Humor
Gangly, B. (1987). The devolving science of machine learning.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Machine
Learning (pp. 398-401). Irvine, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
Gangly, B. (2000).
The degenerate science of machine learning.
Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Machine
Learning (pp. 1213-1216). Stanford, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.